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What Do Palliative Care Nurses Do: Roles & Responsibilities

Palliative care nurses play a crucial role in enhancing the quality of life for patients with serious illnesses. Their compassionate care and specialised expertise provide comfort, symptom management and emotional support to those in their final days of life. We explore the multifaceted roles and Read more

What is convalescent care?

Not everyone residing in a nursing home is there for a long period of time. In fact, one common form of care is convalescent care - a short-term care option for those who need time to recover from an incident in their life. In this article, we delve into the concept of convalescent care, a crucial Read more

10 Ways To Arrange & Decorate A Nursing Home Room

Packing up your belongings and moving into a care home is a big life change for anyone, so it is essential to make your space a home away from home. In this article, we explore ten innovative ways to arrange and decorate a nursing home room, offering practical tips and creative ideas to enhance the Read more

How to Promote Independence of the Elderly in a Care Home

Having independence is to have complete control and autonomy of your own life. And while we typically gain more independence as we move out of childhood and adolescence, it can become compromised due to changes in mobility, capacity and health in our older age. That said, a loss of functionality Read more

5 Best Memory Games for People with Dementia

Dementia is not a specific disease but is a general term for the progressive loss of cognitive functioning, including the ability to remember, think or make decisions that interfere with everyday activities. While there is no cure, engaging individuals with dementia in stimulating and enjoyable Read more

Attendance Allowance in a Care Home: Can You Claim It?

When you or a loved one moves into a nursing home or other supported living facilities, certain allowances may change or be reduced. If you’re receiving Attendance Allowance, you may be wondering how this is impacted once you move into a care home. We explain all in this detailed guide. What is Read more

What Is Personal Care In Care Homes?

When it becomes apparent that your loved one is becoming incapable or struggles with what were once simple day-to-day tasks, such as maintaining their personal hygiene, getting dressed or going to the bathroom, it is time to consider personal care services. Personal care means anything done for you Read more

What is an advocate in health & social care & what is their role?

The complex processes of the health and social system can be difficult to navigate and understand for vulnerable or disadvantaged people. Although social and healthcare professionals have your best interests at heart, they can often be too busy to give you the attention you need in relation to Read more

10 Ways to Calm an Agitated Dementia Patient

It is common for older adults with dementia to experience feelings of agitation and anxiety as their disease progresses. They may fear their loss of memory and thinking skills, as well as fear of losing who they are. This behaviour can be triggered by a range of factors such as a change in Read more

Top 10 Hobbies for Seniors or Older People

Hobbies and events for elderly people enable them to do what they enjoy and improve their mood and cognitive skills. When hobbies are practised, they support physical and mental health, creativity, relaxation and feelings of happiness. It can be easy for elderly people to feel isolated or stuck in Read more
