The Fremantle Trust Visitor Policy and Guidance
Updated: 06 April 2022
We have made further changes to our visiting arrangements in line with updated Government guidance.
Visiting Residents in our Care Homes and Services
- Our aim is to continue to facilitate safe visits to our homes in line with government advice.
- We are still supporting all of our residents to nominate an essential caregiver. If you wish to apply to be an essential caregiver, please contact the home directly.
- Visits into and out of the home or service should be made in advance of the visit, so that the manager can ensure safe visiting practices can be maintained.
- Visitors no longer need to have a negative lateral flow test, unless supporting with personal care.
- Any visitor supporting with personal care, wishing to take the Lateral Flow Test at home prior to the visit must show proof of the negative result either from an email or text from NHS Test and Trace or a date-stamped photo of the test cartridge itself. Please do not bring your used test cartridge into the home.
- All visitors must sign a consent form on arrival to confirm they understand and will adhere to the current visiting arrangements. CLICK HERE to read and download consent form.
- Any visitor, who has been identified as being in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 even if they are fully vaccinated, must not visit for 10 days from the date of exposure to the positive case.
- Visitors should not enter the care home if they are feeling unwell, even if they have tested negative for COVID-19 and are fully vaccinated and have received their booster. Transmissible viruses such as flu, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and norovirus can be just as dangerous to care home residents as COVID-19. If visitors have any symptoms that suggest other transmissible viruses and infections, such as a cough, high temperature, diarrhoea or vomiting, they should avoid the care home until at least 5 days after they feel better.
- Visits can take place in bedrooms, visitor rooms, communal areas, or in the garden. This will be subject to the discretion of the manager depending on other activities already taking place in the home.
- Visitors must observe all infection control protocols including washing hands for 20 seconds, catching coughs and sneezes in tissues and cleaning their hands after disposal of the tissues.
- Visitors will be required to wear facemasks covering their nose and mouth, using masks provided by the home.
- Children over pre-school age will be required to wear facemasks provided by the home.
- In the event of an outbreak, we will endeavour to continue offering visits unless advised otherwise by the Health Protection Team. The nominated essential care giver with still be able to visit.
- In exceptional circumstances such as end of life we will do our best to support visits without any restrictions, subject to a risk assessment by the home manager.
Facilitating Safe Visits Out of the Home
- If residents are intending to go out of the home to visit friends or relatives, this must be booked in advance. This will allow us to undertake a risk assessment which will be discussed with the family and friends involved in the visit. Prior to the visit, a consent form will need to be signed.
- CLICK HERE to read and download consent form.
- All visits outside of the home or service must be in line with any current Government measures or restrictions in place at that time.
- Residents who make a visit out that is considered to be high risk including, but not limited to, emergency stays in hospital, may need to isolate for a maximum of 10 days on their return, unless they can take lateral flow tests to end their isolation sooner. The home manager will be happy to explain the process further.
Alternatives to visits
- Where it is not considered appropriate to facilitate visits in person, we will encourage and support alternatives such as video or telephone calling.
- Please speak to your home or service manager in the first instance to discuss this further or to arrange a visit.
For General Enquiries please contact our COVID-19 support line on 0333 005 8735 or email: covid19support@fremantletrust.org
PLEASE NOTE: prospective residents and their families who are viewing our care homes DO need to provide evidence of their vaccinations unless exempt. Details on how to access evidence of your vaccinations can be found HERE.