The Fremantle Trust strives to ensure that the quality of our services continuously improve. As part of our quality assurance, we have a formal process for complaints and compliments, called ‘Fremantle Feedback’.
Our commitment to you
The people in our care are at the heart of everything we do and we want to ensure their experience of The Fremantle Trust services is the very best it can possibly be. We are dedicated and committed to promoting the independence, rights, wishes, desires and lifestyle choices of everyone who uses our services, and strive to deliver exceptional care and support through our professional and highly-skilled team. We will listen to the views and concerns of every single person we care for; involve them, and their families, carers and friends, in any decision-making about the type of care and support they need. For us, it’s about celebrating the uniqueness of each individual and our services, and the way in which we provide care centred around them.
About ‘Fremantle Feedback’
It’s very important for us to ensure we are readily available to hear about any complaints, comments, suggestions and compliments from individuals and their loved ones, and that a variety of communication channels are open and easily accessible to them. We want everyone we support to understand that they can talk to us, wherever and whenever they need to. We don’t need to have complaints in writing, just come and speak to us – we want to hear from you! We much prefer the more personal approach as we are sure you do too.
Working together
- Tell us when you think we’ve got things wrong, so we can work together to put them right
- If you’re not sure about something, we want you to ask, so we can give you the answer
- If you have an idea to improve Trust services, we would be delighted to hear from you
- If you think we are doing well, praise is always welcome
- If you wish, we will arrange for an advocate to act on your behalf
We promise to:
- Listen carefully and treat you respectfully
- Communicate with you in a sensitive, fair and timely way
- Explain how we intend to resolve the complaint, and the likely timescale involved
- Investigate thoroughly and whenever possible have complaints reviewed by someone not involved in the events leading to the complaint
- Reply honestly and openly
- Do our utmost to put things right, if they have gone wrong
- Apologise if we have made a mistake
- Not discriminate against anyone making a complaint
How to provide feedback
Often the quickest way for us to put things right is for you to speak with your local Home or Scheme Manager. If this is not possible, you can also provide feedback to us directly by using one of the following methods:
- In person via a Trust employee at your local Home or Scheme
- By completing a Comment/Suggestion Card (which can be found at all our locations)
- By Emailing our Office Manager, complaints@fremantletrust.org
- By writing to our Office Manager at The Fremantle Trust, Woodley House, 64-65 Rabans Close, Aylesbury, HP19 8RS
- By contacting our Office Manager on 01296 393000 during business hours 8.30am – 5pm
You can pay us a compliment and share any positive feedback you have regarding our services or about our employees. Compliments help us to improve our services and can be great for the team and our employees’ morale.
We will make sure that your compliment reaches the team or person they are about and that our managers get to hear about the compliments received regarding their colleagues. Where appropriate, we will also use this information to share best practice across the Trust.
Concerns, Comments and Suggestions
We understand that you may feel more comfortable raising a concern rather than making a complaint. Alternatively, you can also make a comment or suggestion about how we can improve our services.
We aim to resolve and respond to all concerns and your comments or suggestions within 10 working days.
We recognise a complaint as an issue(s) you would like to report to us so that the matter is addressed formally, investigated and a full written response provided.
We treat all complaints in confidence and aim to handle complaints quickly, effectively and in a fair and honest way. We will not treat you differently, withdraw or reduce services because someone makes a complaint in good faith. Please use the link below for our full Complaints Procedure.