Can you use your skills to help us make a real difference to the future of older people and adults with a learning disability?
The Fremantle Trust is a registered charity, supporting older people and adults with learning disabilities in both nursing, residential, supported living and daily support settings. We pride ourselves on, and are passionate about delivering high quality care and support tailored around each individual’s care needs.
Led by a Board of Trustees, who are all volunteers, we currently support more than 1,900 people across locations in Buckinghamshire, Milton Keynes, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Berkshire, and employ over 1,900 highly-skilled, caring and compassionate colleagues.
Volunteering your time and skills as a trustee, is a unique opportunity to get involved with the local communities in which we operate and to help us to develop and shape the future of our care services. Trustees bring business skills, experience, know-how, enthusiasm, vision and energy to our work and are a valuable part of what we do.
About the role
Trustees need to attend six Board meetings per year, as well as undertake additional visits to services and attend working groups spread across 12 months. In partnership with the senior management team, they work together to ensure we are delivering the highest standards of care and support possible by monitoring our performance on an ongoing basis.
Trustees are initially appointed for three years and may be re-elected for up to two further terms of three years.
The range of activities undertaken by the Trust means it may well not be practicable for any one Trustee to have knowledge and experience in all areas of our operation. We therefore benefit from bringing together people from a variety of backgrounds, who collectively provide skills to enhance our work.
The Trustee role is very much that of a team player, contributing towards the overall management and control of the organisation with the full support of a committed and professional team.
Members of the Board are not entitled to remuneration but may be paid all reasonable out of pocket expenses in connection with attendance at meetings or otherwise in connection with the Trust’s business.
All Trustees are ‘partnered’ with two or more specific services and are expected to visit these services at least once every year.
All Trustees are appointed by the Board.
Trustees are Directors in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act as well as Members of the Company. Their role as Trustees of a charity is governed by the Charities Act.
We have a variety of Trustee vacancies for people with particular skill sets and experience. If you have experience in health and social care, HR, charity law, fundraising, marketing, housing, financial management, safeguarding or have a background in medical and clinical care, we would love to hear from you. Volunteering your time to help in this way can bring a real sense of achievement, pride and satisfaction and in turn will help to make a significant contribution to the quality of life and wellbeing of those for whom we provide care and support.
If you would like more information about becoming a Trustee, please contact Hannah Brandon on 01296 737 373 or email Hannah.Brandon@fremantletrust.org
For information on our current Board of Trustees, you can read their individual profiles here.