The Fremantle Trust has been providing expert care and support for people living with a wide range of learning disabilities and complex needs for over 20 years. With our vast experience and know-how, we are able to work hand in hand with people so they feel empowered to live the life they choose, as independently as they can.
Our aim is to make a positive impact on the lives of those we support and we encourage individuals to set their own goals and aspirations. We love a challenge and our highly skilled and motivated teams are constantly looking for creative and innovative ways to help individuals achieve their dreams.
What’s special about our approach is that we listen to each individual, their family, and other healthcare professionals, so we can tailor the care and support plan to ensure it reflects the individuality, uniqueness, likes and dislikes of each person.
We like to keep involved and continue to work in partnership with the local community and local groups, as this really enhances the quality of life of the people we help support, so they can feel as much a part of the community as everyone else.
Making a real difference
We provide a range of services for adults with a learning disability including:
Supported living services – supporting people to live independently with personal care and support when needed.
Residential care – supporting people with complex needs to live a fulfilled life.
Day opportunities – enabling people to actively participate in stimulating, meaningful and enjoyable activities of their choice.