As a specialist residential care home, Cherry Garth in Holmer Green has a variety of facilities to provide high-quality services for older people and those living with dementia, in a modern, homely and comfortable environment.

En-suite rooms
Each fully furnished room is bright and spacious, and has been designed with an older person in mind. Every room has an en-suite and is wheelchair accessible. A 24-hour carer call system is provided, along with a phone and TV points. We also welcome residents to bring their own furnishings from home to add that personal touch.

Modern living environment
Cherry Garth is a lively care home with wonderful links with the local Buckinghamshire community. We have a large communal area, including a coffee shop and activity room where residents are encouraged to spend quality time together. Quiet areas are also available for individuals to take some time to relax. We host regular outings and trips to the theatre and cinema, and even have Christmas lunch in the local pub! We also have regular pamper days and get everyone involved in our weekly cooking club. To ensure we are as inclusive as possible, we’ve made all floors easily accessible via stairs and a lift.

Fresh food daily
We all enjoy our food and it’s no different at Cherry Garth nursing home. We source local produce when possible and our food is freshly cooked on-site. We offer a wide choice of meals and welcome suggestions from our residents when menu planning to ensure we cater to everyone’s dietary needs and tastes. Visitors are welcome to join us at mealtimes (for a minimal charge), or they can use the kitchenettes just as they would at home.

Potting shed and enclosed garden
Our extensive landscaped garden provides a safe and peaceful setting for individuals to get involved in outdoor activities. This includes our mini allotment and vegetable garden for potting and planting. ‘Gordon’s Workshop’ and ‘Audrey’s potting shed’ are the ideal place for residents to get involved in a range of creative tasks. We also have raised beds that enable individuals to put their green fingers to good use by planting at a comfortable height. Our communal outdoor space is wheelchair accessible too.

Access to specialist services
We are committed to delivering first-class care and support for older people. So, as well as providing a personal key worker and regularly reviewed support plan for each individual, we are supported by other local healthcare professionals. This includes opticians, chiropodists, physiotherapists, district nurses, GPs and dieticians. We also hold religious services regularly at our care home.

Pet friendly
Many older people enjoy the company of a furry friend and we are aware that caring for a pet can be both rewarding and beneficial. We will continue to support individuals as much as possible, so that they can continue to care for and spend time with their precious companions.

Hairdressing salon
Getting your hair done is one of life’s little luxuries and we provide a range of styling options in our on-site salon run by qualified hairdressers, so residents can enjoy a bit of pampering.