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Residents collecting their prizes in the Silver Week art competition

Residents from three of the Trust’s care homes in North London collectively scooped top prizes in the Silver Week art competition run by Barnet Council.

Representatives from Meadowside Care Home (Finchley), Dell Field Court (Finchley) and Apthorp Care Centre (New Southgate) collected the top prize and joint second prizes respectively at the Silver Sunday event at Woodhouse College, which marked International Day of Older Persons.

Silver Sunday is an annual day of fun activities for over 55s across the UK and it celebrates the value and knowledge older people contribute to our communities, while also combating loneliness and isolation. Silver Week is supported by voluntary and community sector partners and marks the fourth week-long, annual celebration in Barnet.

Joyce Clarke from Meadowside Care Home was the proud recipient of the first prize in the art competition and received a set of art equipment and certificate for her painting of Julius Caesar. Residents at Dell Field Court were recognised for their series of six canvases and Apthorp Care Centre also won joint second place with its eight papier-mâché cats, made from plastic bottles.

The artwork was judged by a discerning panel which included Mathew Kendall, director of adult communities at The London Borough of Barnet and chair of the Barnet Guild of Artists, Nichola Hunt-Peasnell.

Commenting on the Silver Week competition, Fiona Swynnerton, leisure and lifestyle manager at The Fremantle Trust said:

We were thrilled to claim the top slots in the art competition. The submissions were the result of hard work and dedication as each piece took some time to develop and all contributors across our Barnet services thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Creative expression is an important aspect of our activities programme at the Trust, particularly as it helps to connect with memories and gives residents a real sense of wellbeing. 

The Worshipful Mayor of Barnet, Councillor Reuben Thompstone, said:

It was fantastic to see the inspiring artwork of our older residents. I was delighted to present them with their awards. There is such talent among our borough’s older people. I am glad that they can still be an engaged, meaningful and valuable part of our local community.