Head office 01296 39300 | Enquiries 0333 005 8735

We continue to monitor the ongoing Coronavirus situation in the UK very closely, and take appropriate action.

We assure you that the health, safety and wellbeing of our residents, service users and staff will always be our top priority.

Our plans are being continually reviewed to ensure they are robust and align closely to updated guidance from the Government and Public Health authorities. We are receiving regular updates from the Department of Health and the Local Authority.

We will make every effort to operate as normally as possible. However, in line with recommendations from Government about reducing social contact we are having to make some changes.

We are suspending all visits to our homes from 11pm on Thursday 19th March until further notice. This includes visits from friends and relatives, members of the local community and external entertainment into our homes. 

We will also be changing door codes this week, and on a regular basis from then on, to ensure we can control entry to our homes.

We will continue to provide access to health professionals, and for essential repairs and maintenance.

If your relative is receiving end-of-life care please speak directly with the Home Manager who will be able to advise you.

Visits to residents in Supported Living accommodation will be considered on an individual basis, and should be discussed with Service Managers.

We really appreciate your support with these measures. We have not taken this decision lightly, and appreciate this may cause some discomfort and concern, but feel this is necessary step given recent Government announcements and the need to protect vulnerable people.

Our staff will do all they can to ensure that life in our services remains as comfortable and sociable as possible. 

We are actively exploring how we can help to facilitate alternative forms of communication between relatives and friends. In the meantime we encourage you to make use of different ways to keep in contact, for example using Skype, Facetime or WhatsApp via phones and computers.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your Home or Service Manager.

We will provide regular updates on our website.

We have also set up an email for general questions and information at covid19support@fremantletrust.org.

Thank you again for your ongoing support and cooperation.