Head office 01296 393000 | Enquiries 0333 005 8735

I wanted to write to provide an update on our ongoing response to the coronavirus Covid-19 situation.

I am pleased to say that all our services are operating normally. The number of suspected or confirmed cases in our homes has decreased significantly, with several of our homes completely free of Covid-19. Some people have recovered from the virus and are now well.

Our employees have been absolutely fantastic in their commitment to providing great care every day, and we have safe levels of staffing across all our homes. We continue to have good supplies of PPE.

You will have heard a lot about testing for Covid-19 in care homes. We have been arranging tests for symptomatic residents and carers, and getting results back. This has informed decisions about how best to care for people, and when employees can safely return to work.

Unfortunately we have not yet been offered regular testing for all employees or residents who do not have symptoms. However, we expect this to change soon and we should be able to test everyone in a home, regardless of whether they have symptoms. If your relative is symptom free but tests positively for Covid-19 (they call this asymptomatic) then we will let you know straight away.

There has been a significant amount of new guidance issued this week, which we are reviewing carefully. We will be updating our own policies and practices accordingly.

Thank you to those of you who have made suggestions about safe visits. We are updating our visitor policy to find ways to facilitate people to see their families and friends, which we expect to finalise early next week. This may include using the garden spaces to meet outside, including setting up gazebos, or arranging visits by appointment. If you want to discuss visiting in person please contact the Home Manager. We hope to start accommodating safe visits from next week (weather permitting!). We will always facilitate visits at end of life.

I hope that you are able to enjoy more time outside now the restrictions are being eased.

Kind regards

Sara Livadeas

Chief Executive